More Information on Middle Island and other culls in Ontario

Observations of the 2008 Cormorant Cull on Middle Island in Point Pelee National Park (2008) CDI report and recommendations regarding the Middle Island cormorant cull, the protocol used by Parks Canada staff and the disturbance levels to both cormorants and non-target birds in the colony during the cull. Also includes suggestions for non-lethal techniques for soil rehabilitation.

A Critical Analysis of Point Pelee National Park’s Rationale for Killing the Middle Island Cormorants (2008) A CDI critique that shows Parks Canada is violating its own principles of maintaining ecological integrity and protecting biodiversity in order to justify cormorant population management on Middle Island.

Response to East Sister Island Park Management Plan (2006) CDI outlines nine recommendations and rationales in response to the East Sister Island Preliminary Park Management Plan compiled by the Ontario Ministry of National Resources.

Response to Proposed Amendment Management Strategy for Double-crested Cormorants at Presqu’ile Provincial Park (2006). Critiques the management study proposed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and why the objectives outlined do not address their stated goal “to protect representative woodland flora and fauna of High Bluff Island, Presqu’ile Provincial Park while retaining maximum diversity of nesting colonial bird species.”

Critique of The Management of Double-crested Cormorants and its effect on Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets at High Bluff Island (2005). A critique written in response to concerns over the misleading information and resulting recommendations outlined in the Canadian Wildlife Service Report written by David Moore, Chip Weseloh and Richard Joos. Three overarching problems and seven alternative recommendations are presented in hopes of preventing bias and misinformed decisions by the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding cormorant management strategies.

Request to end the cull of Double-crested Cormorants on High Bluff Island, Presqu’ile Provincial Park (2005). A letter to the Minister of Natural Resources requesting the immediate end to the cull of cormorants at High Bluff Island due to the increasing presence of young chicks in nests. CDI observers witnessed the continued culling of birds on High Bluff Island despite previous amendment documents prohibiting the shooting of parent birds with hatched young. Additional concerns are also outlined, such as the declining numbers of Great Blue Herons as a result of the disturbances caused by the culls.